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Fr. Michael on “Wake Up!” radio morning show
Fr. Michael Brisson appears as a guest on the morning radio show “Wake Up!” with Catholic Community Media.

Death in Black and White: A Mystery Novel Penned by a Priest
Death in Black and White by Father Michael Brisson, LC, is a new mystery/thriller novel published by Ignatius Press. The hero of our story is

Catholic Faith Network Interview with Fr. Michael
In this engaging interview, Colleen McVey talks with Fr. Michael about whether there really is a “white death,” his current role with the Legionaries of Christ, and his pursuit of art.

Death in Black and White: a new novel by Fr. Michael Brisson, LC
Father Christopher Hart, a young New York priest and classic film buff, is unwittingly drafted by the mob to hear the confession of a man

Can you picture it?
The young tramp in his tattered clothes looking on his family home from a distance, gathering courage to advance, preparing his little speech. Acid washes

Why did a priest write a novel about the Mafia, Confession, and Providence?
“The unique advantage of fiction,” says Fr. Michael Brisson, LC, author of Death in Black and White, “is that you can plumb the depths of

Through a Mother’s Heart: Father Michael Brisson
An interview with Legionary Father Michael Brisson on the lessons he’s learned from his earthly mother and the Blessed Mother. Describe the role your mother played

So Close, Yet So Far
One would think that living 45 minutes from the Legionaries’ seminary in Cheshire, Connecticut, makes it obvious why I joined the Legionaries of Christ. That